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Writer's pictureAYBERK YAVUZ

Thinking Black and White

Black-and-white thinking indicates emotional activity in the amygdala(*) and hippocampus(**). This means that you are emotionally charged and unable to think logically, in other words, you are thinking emotionally. People who use black-and-white language to a great extent are emotional thinkers.

The power of Thinking black and white image

They think they speak logically and tell the harsh truths, but they really cannot think logically. Because the real world is full of nuances, and very few things are black-and-white. Those who think in black-and-white are disconnected from reality.

When you challenge people who think in black-and-white, when you object, when you express a contrary opinion, they give extremely emotional responses. They use logic in their words, but there is a great emotional burden behind the logic.

If you are someone who thinks this way, you should be aware of your black-and-white thinking pattern. If you think in a "all or nothing" manner, if you think things like "I am a complete waste of breath but other people are perfect", "I can never be successful in anything", "I am 165 cm tall, I can never find someone. Men who are 185 cm tall are swimming in a pool of love", you need to be aware of this.

Then, you need to heal this accumulation of negative emotions. That is, your black-and-white thinking pattern comes from your burden of negative emotions, and you cannot get rid of it by deciding not to think in black and white. You can get rid of it by unloading the burden of negative emotions occupying your mind.

Unfortunately, nowadays, instead of unloading their burden of negative emotions, people suppress them. Screened devices and flowing videos, games, social media, etc., on the internet suppress emotions. These suppressed emotions increase the burden of negative emotions to large sizes.

You should reduce your burden of negative emotions by keeping a diary, facing the negative thoughts that come with distress instead of escaping to screened devices, socializing, talking with your friends, getting therapy, going for long walks, and most importantly, eliminating the causes of negative emotions.

Changing mindset can change your world image

(*) The amygdala:

is a small part of the brain and is a processing center important for emotional memory and responses. When the amygdala does not function properly, it can cause destructive symptoms on the emotional side, seriously affecting a person's mental state. The amygdala, located in the limbic system, is an almond-shaped structure that governs areas of emotion such as fear, anxiety, anger, and concern in the brain. The amygdala is effective in the perception of danger as part of a large network in the brain. In addition, the amygdala plays a role in emotional, behavioral, control, and learning processes.

(**) The hippocampus:

is known as the memory center of the brain. It plays a role in transferring information from short-term memory to long-term memory. The hippocampus is also important in associating lived memories with events and in controlling a person's sense of direction. Improper functioning of the hippocampus or exposure to trauma-related impacts can damage short-term memory; this can lead to the inability to retain recent events in memory, despite the retention of old memories and things learned a long time ago.

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